Oral Health Care Tips For 50+

21 December 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

As you get older, your entire body goes through all sorts of changes, including your mouth, teeth, and gums. To remain healthy, it's important that you know how to recognize these changes, but that you're also prepared to meet the needs of your oral health as you go through this transition. If you're 50 or older, learn some important care tips for your teeth. Maintain Overall Health It's critical you keep your overall health in check. Read More 

Why a Cavity in a Primary Tooth Should Be Filled

13 November 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Many children develop cavities in their primary, or "baby," teeth. However, parents may not feel that a decayed baby tooth needs to be treated, since it will eventually be lost and replaced. If a cavity is extremely small, the tooth may repair itself through a process of remineralization, especially if the child brushes with a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride helps draw displaced minerals back to weakened sites on the tooth enamel to remineralize the teeth. Read More 

Two Ways Anxiety Can Cause Tooth Loss

17 October 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Tooth loss is typically rooted in physical causes, such as cavities or blunt force trauma. However, a person's mental state can also result in damaged or missing teeth due to certain behaviors that the individual may engage in to manage his or condition. Anxiety, in particular, is really hard on teeth. Here are two ways this disorder can cause you to lose one or more of them. The Source of Teeth Grinding Read More 

Preparing For Sedation Dentistry And What It Feels Like

27 September 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Sedation dentistry comes in two forms: the totally sedated and the mildly sedated. Total sedation dentistry often requires that you go to your local hospital to check into a surgical suite prior to the administration of the general anesthesia that knocks you all the way out. Mildly sedated is often conducted in the dentist's office because there is less concern that you will be oversedated, less risk that there might be complications from sedation, and/or less worry that you will develop an allergic reaction to the sedation medication. Read More 

Are Dental Implants A Problem For Air Travel Security?

28 August 2018
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

People often need to explain themselves when they go through airport security with medical devices. If you're wondering if a permanent tooth loss solution like dental implants is one of these, here's what you need to know.  Where the Concern Comes From Any kind of metal used on or in the body is typically detected by airport screeners. Most airports now use special 3D imagery scans that allow them to detect the difference between hard and soft materials anywhere on the body, so even though the implants will be completely submerged, they may still be visible on the scan. Read More